Dates for all Years:
6th and 9th March - GCSE Science Examinations (Year 9 and 10)
6th March - School Trip to Disneyland Paris
11th March Options Evening (Year 9)
17th March Year 9 Parents Evening
24th March Year 11 Presentation Assembly and Photographs
30th March - 1st April - School Production
2nd April - Media Studies trip to USA leaves
3rd April - End of Term.
Holiday Dates:
3rd April - End of Spring Term
4th - 20th April - Easter Holidays
20th April - INSET Day
4th May Bank Holidays
- INSET Day 22nd May - Break up for Half Term (Inset Day)
25th - 29th May - Half Term
1st June - Return to School
22nd June - Break up for the Summer Holidays